More is better. Or so they say.
I visited
the pinball hall of fame this evening.
Played:•Twilight Zone. Good stuff. Good enough to own. 'nuff said.
•Addam's Family. Still my favorite, though TZ is a close second. This was the favorite of those who attended with me.
•Super Mario brothers. Not worth the money.
•Pinbot. This reminded me a lot of space mountain at disneyland for some reason. Very well done, I can see why it's considered a classic. One of the best I've played from that era of pinball.
•Star Wars: episode one. Really cool idea there, they had a video image overlaid on the back third of the pinball machine, and you could "interact" with it. Impressive technology, and fun to play a few times. I wouldn't want to own it though, it would get gimmicky after a while.
•Creature From The Black Lagoon. I hear a lot of people like this one, but it felt off. I think the table wasn't quite balanced right, maybe the legs weren't centered properly. It made cheezy chick moaning sounds when you inserted the quarter and hit certain targets. Maybe that's why.
•Tempest. Okay, this isn't a pinball machine, but this is good stuff! Just as fun as I remember, and I still stink at it.
•Stargate. I could definitely live without this one.
I was looking forward to playing attack from mars, but they didn't have one. Or a Who dunnit, or an Indiana Jones. Or a Getaway, or a Medieval Madness.
Games I missed:• South park. This one was played almost all night.
• Lord of the Rings. This also had people on it the whole time.
• Funhouse. Another "classic", I wouldn't mind having a go at again sometime.
• Terminator 2. Just couldn't quite make it to this one. never really interested me.
• High Speed. Never played this other than on
Visual Pinball. If you've not tried this I'd recommend it. And you can try Visual Pinabll's new offspring
Future Pinabll. Anyhow, I woulda liked to try High Speed, but I didn't get to it.
Overall it was a cool place, a real dungeon reminiscent of the old 80's arcades. I talked with the owner a bit. He's hurting I think, they haven't made the rent since opening, though they came close last week. (Weekly rental? not sure) They have power consumption issues as well, I can see why. I bought a "this old pinball" DVD, twilight zone edition, you know, in preparation for my machine. $8.00 well spent.
For a vacation cenered around pinball I'd have to recommend
Lyons Classic Pinball instead, better quality machines and smaller shop with a much better collection of games. They are in the Denver area, just a bit to the north. That said, I still had a blast going. =)
Kind of funny, most people go to vegas for gambling or sex, I end up going for pinball. How sad am I. Maybe I'll get some of the rest when I get home. Talk about a gamble! :D
I should go to bed. I have a presentation tomorrow. Until later.