Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Work sucks

Customers with a lot of money that want the impossible


A boss who likes money


I am asked to do the impossible.

Well, improbable at best. Transfer 55 phone books worth of data flawlessly in a weekend with no support in our software to do this. Yeah, there are going to be some problems. They knew this and agreed to it. Now that there are probvlems guess what? They don't want to deal with them.

At least I won't have to worry about this after a month or so, the big big nasties will be done then.

I apologize to all 1-2 of you who check my blog with any regularity. I hope to get back to posting, I have 3 posts rattling around in my head that I'd like to make.

I hope everyone else is enjoying the turn in weather lately, I don't seem to be. =)

Wah wah wah, I'm so picked on. heh.

until later.


Bob said...

This reminds me a saying we have at work:

"We've done so much with so little for so long that we're now qualified to do anything with nothing and have it done yesterday."

And to top it off, due to recent budget cuts our funding for smoke was eliminated. We now operate entirely on mirrors.

Seriously, my workplace is quite a joke. Management has been asleep at the wheel for years and there is so much bureaucracy that it usualy takes ages to get anything done. Instead of blogging I really should be searching right now.

bon said...

well... I love you even though I pick on ya too.

I will say that I will be VERY glad once the impossible has been finished and we can go back to business as ususal... or, rathere the unusual business of basement finishing.