Wednesday, April 18, 2007


So, about 3 weeks ago I installed a program from a site that would check for the availability of a nintendo wii at various places on the internet.

Doue to the magic of the internet, And me sitting at my desk at the time of the alert, I was able to order a Wii. was sold out within 13 minutes of posting wii's available.

I'm still floored by this. Apparently nintendo has shipped over 5.5 million wiis. And you still have a very difficult time getting one.

I hear it's worse here where I am than other places, but still... It's been incredibly difficult to get my hands on one of these.

I'll let you all know how it works out once it arrives. =)


bon said...

dooooooooes this mean that you BOUGHT one?!!!!

DadGuy said...


Uh, is that okay honey?

Bob said...

You suck!

I saw one in wal-mart once, but Mrs Nobody wouldn't let me have it. I had forgotten all about wanting one until you posted this.