Thursday, September 20, 2007

Not dead

No, I'm not dead. Yes, I still remember I have a blog. No, I have no meaningful post today. Yes, there are posts I'd like to post about. No, for some strange reason I have a block where I just can't do it right now.

It'll get better. Eventually.


bon said...

Are you SURE you are not dead?

Annie Jones said...

Still avoiding reality, are ya?

Bob said...

I thought for sure you were either dead or had forgotten you have a blog. I'm glad you're just lazy ;)

DadGuy said...

bon - no. Maybe you can answer that for me?

annie - Well, yes and no. Yes in that I do what I can, but no, reality has this annoying habit of steppin gin just when I'm getting somewhere.

nobody - Yeah, I'm a bit warped that way.

Sushiboy said...

Team Fortress has something to do with this, I just know it.