I've used it as a travel mate once and found about 25 geocaches with it so far. (There are a bunch close to work, so that works out well for a break)
I think one of the most valuable things I could have done with it is take a trip with my grandfather up into the mountains where we used to go when I was a child. We stopped at a number of old campsites and I marked their locations so that I could find them again. Maybe in a few years when my children are older we will go up and camp there.
I've also done a lot of geocaching for the short 2 months I've had this GPS. Some of the caches are fantastically hidden. Some are... well, kind of surprisingly still there in regards to their location. However, I've always been a sucker for a treasure hunt.
I'm not going to review the GPS unit I got, though I'm happy I went with the model I did. It was a bit more than I wanted to spend, but I think it's about perfect for me. It's got all the features I'd want and a few more that I'll probably never use. At the right price it was hard to pass up.
Incidentally, I did a little research on batteries and found cell phone batteries that appeared to be exactly compatible with the unit. So I spent $25 for 3 batteries when one "official" battery would have been $40. It pays to do your homework I guess.
One of these days I'll start my own cache. but until then, I'll be happy just toting the GPS around and finding geocaches of my own.
Until next time.
Awesome! You've already done more caches than I have, and I started over 3 years ago! I need to get my butt in gear and do some more, especially now that it has cooled off a bit.
I've always been a Garmin fan. My brother uses a Magellan and likes it.
We've only done 3-4 geocaches this summer, when we went on our trip to Omaha. Kat had a ball with them and calls them "treasure parks" since most of the ones we found were in parks.
Like Nobody, we have a Garmin and like it. It seems to be THE brand around here, probably since their headquarters is here in our area.
We haven't used ours, yet, for anything except geocaching.
My favorite geocache that I couldn't find, has still gotta be the flat banana.
HA! People are resourceful.
Geocaching rocks.
We call it "treasure hunting" in my family and like doing both the ones in the mountaintops (some beautiful views) and downtown (some people put together pretty interesting 'historical stuff' caches with like multiple parts that require finding signs and markers in town).
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