I've used it as a travel mate once and found about 25 geocaches with it so far. (There are a bunch close to work, so that works out well for a break)
I think one of the most valuable things I could have done with it is take a trip with my grandfather up into the mountains where we used to go when I was a child. We stopped at a number of old campsites and I marked their locations so that I could find them again. Maybe in a few years when my children are older we will go up and camp there.
I've also done a lot of geocaching for the short 2 months I've had this GPS. Some of the caches are fantastically hidden. Some are... well, kind of surprisingly still there in regards to their location. However, I've always been a sucker for a treasure hunt.
I'm not going to review the GPS unit I got, though I'm happy I went with the model I did. It was a bit more than I wanted to spend, but I think it's about perfect for me. It's got all the features I'd want and a few more that I'll probably never use. At the right price it was hard to pass up.
Incidentally, I did a little research on batteries and found cell phone batteries that appeared to be exactly compatible with the unit. So I spent $25 for 3 batteries when one "official" battery would have been $40. It pays to do your homework I guess.
One of these days I'll start my own cache. but until then, I'll be happy just toting the GPS around and finding geocaches of my own.
Until next time.