Thursday, October 09, 2008

Still Alive.


I am still alive.

(If you've not played portal, regardless of if you play video games or not, you are missing out!)

I just finished reading Atlas Shrugged. Very good book, I would recommend it. I don't agree with all of the conclusions, but the problems seem to be spot on, if a bit black and white. The book was summed up by Ayn Rand in this way later: "The theme of Atlas Shrugged is the role of the mind in man's life and, consequently, presentation of a new morality- the morality of rational self-interest"

I scare myself lately with what I am interested in. Next up is reading a book on the economy. Good thing it was written 10+ years ago.

I'm probably going to disappear again, what with the holidays coming up, a baby here in about 2 months, and a ton of work (both my own as well as at my "real" job) going on. Still, thanks for dropping by. =)


Blogarita said...

I'm sure I've read Atlas Shrugged, but I think I need to reread it. I'm starting a novel about saving the buffalo. This is a departure for me.

Glad you're still alive!

Sushiboy said...

I'm here till you run out of cake.

Sans Pantaloons said...

Hope all goes well for the new arrival. Try not to burn the candle in the middle as well as both ends.