Saturday, July 26, 2008


So, Geopher Lite has been taking up virtually all of my free time lately. However, if you ever wanted to get to know me a bit better or simply wanted to follow the development process of a piece of software, you're welcome to go have a look.

I've posted almost every day. Which as some of my long time readers know, is quite an accomplishment for me.

I haven't abandoned this blog, but it may get less attention for the next few weeks. (What else is new?)

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Geopher Demo

After many hours of work and a wife that's ready to break my laptop, here's the fruit of my labors for the past couple of weeks.

Geopher Demo Page

I know a few of you who read this blog do geocaching, so I thought I;d post about it.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


So, I think I'm going to do it.

For a mere $40 a month (plus taxes) for 2 years and $299 for the phone*, I think I'm going to get one.

Now I just have to figure out how to pay for it.

GPS, Camera, iPod, Phone and more. It's almost a PDA (that I've never been able to use). I have to say, if I wasn't technically interested it likely wouldn't happen.

I'm working on an application for it, I'll mention more here once I actually release it. It's a geocaching app, so you geocachers out there feel free to drop a request if you're so inclined. =)

I keep wanting to be more consistent with this blog, maybe someday. In the meantime, thanks for hanging around. Until later.

* On top of the $39.99 + taxes of the cell phone we already have, and purchasing the 16GB model.